Fantazi – Privacy Policy

Welcome to the Fantazi app.

Please read the privacy policy carefully before using the application.

Acceptance of the Privacy Policy
By using the Fantazi application, you agree to the privacy policy set out in this document. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use the application.

Fantazi Application Privacy Policy

The company responsible for the Fantazi application is concerned with the privacy of its users and is committed to protecting personal information collected through the application. This privacy policy describes how information is collected, used and protected by the Fantazi app.

Information Collected
The Fantazi application does not collect personal information when the user creates an account, limiting itself to collecting only the minimum information provided by authentication systems, such as email. The application may collect non-personal information, such as the type of device used, the operating system and application usage information.
Use of Information
Any other information collected by the application is information entered by the user into the Fantazi application and will be used to provide personalized services, such as creating personalized stories and educational activities. Non-personal information is used to improve the functioning and quality of the application. Furthermore, the company may use the information collected for marketing and advertising purposes, provided that it has obtained the user’s express consent.

Information Sharing
The company responsible for the Fantazi application does not share personal information with third parties, except when necessary to provide the services requested by the user or when required by law. Non-personal information may be shared with third parties for the purposes of analyzing and improving the application. Additionally, the company may share personal information with third parties when the user expressly consents to the sharing.

Information Security
The Fantazi application uses security measures to protect users’ personal information, such as encrypting data transmitted between the application and the server. However, the user acknowledges that no security measure is completely foolproof and that the company cannot guarantee the security of personal information. If a security breach occurs that compromises user privacy, the company undertakes to notify affected users immediately.
Cookies and Tracking Technologies
The Fantazi app does not use cookies to track user activity.

The Fantazi app is aimed at parents of children up to 12 years of age. The Company does not knowingly collect personal information from children under the age of 13. If the Company becomes aware that it has collected personal information from a child under the age of 13, the Company will take steps to delete the information as quickly as possible.

Changes to the Privacy Policy
The company responsible for the Fantazi application may change this privacy policy at any time, by notifying users through the application or by email. Continued use of the application following notification of changes to the privacy policy constitutes acceptance.